Wednesday, November 3, 2010

first batch of cider

started a batch of hard cider from one gallon of pure apple cider. I also started another batch from two 1.5 liter jugs of martinelli's apple juice. as an experiment i used wine yeast for one jug and fleichmann's bread yeast on the other.

 I used the same recipe and method for making the two batches of hard martinellies. the only difference was the yeast. I used Red Star cotes des blanc on one and fleichmanns rapid rise on the other. I added 1 campden tablet to each. I made no yeast starter and pitched the yeast by simply sprinkling it in and shaking it. I added i cup of sugar to each and raised the Og to 1.080. topped off with fresh water.
im hoping for good results from the martinellis because the glass jar is its own reusable fermenting vessel. a #6-7 stopper fits in the top. all that needs to be done is add some sugar and yeast nutrient, pitch the yeast, air-lock it, and then wait until its done. thats the theory anyway.
next day results: the one with the fleichmanns yeast is fermenting. it also has a cloudier appearance than the other jug. at the bottom there is a layer of sediment. it may be a yeast cake
next day results: jug with red star wine yeast is not fermenting yet. im hoping it will soon. i have never tried pitching this yeast by throwing it straight in. i usually make a starter.
the wine yeast is working on the one gallon jug of cider. there is active fermentation happening. im not sure why it hasnt started on the martinellies. i'll follow up on these soon.

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